The French & Germans are constantly being sounded out as the orchestrators of the EU debt crisis, the fact is though their populations are already being screwed with unjust engineered national debt also,
Irelands national debt clock - €28,888 per head (& climbing)
Germany - €22,470 per head (& climbing)
France - €25,233 per head (& climbing)
Remarkable how close the figure per head is across the many factors like population, import/export figures, unemployment figures, property booms etc etc etc.
The reality is Sarkosy & Merkel are only French & German by geographic loaction of their birth, they respect nothing about nationality whether it is French, German or even the myth that they pedal of us all being european, their core principle is the accumulation of wealth from every nation on the planet.
The illusion of the capitalist system that is portrayed to all is that the 'free', 'developed', 'first world' etc is the shining example of how you can do anything you want & achieve great wealth through hard work, this in itself is only the by product of the system that the real aim of is to indebt so called 'prosperous' countries with national debt like we have just seen above.
This had gone on for decades in the 'third world' countries, but the fact that there is far far more money to be squeezed out of 'first world' countries that have had the systematic plundering of 'third world' countries resources already set up, in order to facilitate the production of goods in the 'first world' countries, left the real end game of the greedy money men on this planet only to be acheived, sucking as much money out of the rich countries on a sovereign platform for private interest for decades to come.
Sound outlandish? Think this should be in a conspiracies forum?
Well just answer this question, who are the beneficiaries of all of these countries national debts?
United States - Canada - United Kingdom - France - Germany - Netherlands - Ireland - Greece - Italy - Spain - Portugal - Japan - Australia - New Zealand - Sweden
Private interest lenders, the truth is National debt & nations across the world are seen as nothing more than 'markets' full of 'consumers' to earn profit from no matter what the Social consequence.
About Me
- Uncorruptable
- I am a member of a new Socialist group in Ireland, the United Left Alliance, it has been formed by Socialists that have fought for decades against the capitalist system we are force fed via the capitalist media. This election has been a very important breakthrough not just for the people of Ireland but also Europe. Our country has fallen victim to the vultures that are the IMF & ECB who have begun the end game of the capitalist system, the cheap credit flowed around the globe for the past 20 years has now been reigned in & the unbridled & frenzied speculation over that time which drove prices skywards artificially now leaves the gaping hole in public finances & the people with the banks billions in bad debt. The end game i mentioned is now afoot, with the Private money lenders of last resort valiantly stepping in to 'bailout' our country from it woes (repay the banks private debts by passing it with interest to sovereign debt)Electricity, Gas, Wood & Water are all in the sights of our rescuers facilitated by our very own indigenous fascist’s in the Fine Gael party. George Orwell said, "In times of Universal deceit, telling the truth will become a revolutionary act"
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